Veronica has more than 20 years in senior management roles, leading marketing and sales strategies that include primary care consumables, pharmaceuticals, natural health care supplements, consumer and safety products within B2B and B2C.
What’s the best way to transport my cakes and which packaging is the best for me?

One of the questions we often hear is “how do I transport a cake & what packaging should I use?”
In this article, you’ll discover basic top tips on preparation, supporting and packing and finally loading up and travelling. So whether your travelling just around the corner, 5km or travelling on the Interislander, these helpful top tips and tricks about transporting cakes will help ensure that your treat gets to wherever it’s going safe and sound and intact!!!
- It’s all about the base.
Make sure to secure your bottom layer to the cake board or platter using a little swipe of buttercream frosting. This will ensure that your cake won’t slide off the base.
- Right board for the job.
You want to use a cake board that measures at least 2” bigger than your cake. So, if you’re transporting an 8” cake, use a 10” cake board. This extra room gives you movable space for moving the cake in and out of the box but allows for the thickness of marzipan, icing and any decorations you may care to do around the edge of the board.
- What if my cake is more than one tier?
For tiered or heavier cakes, we suggest taping (and then tin foiling) two or three cake boards together for extra stability.
- How do you keep cakes from sliding in boxes?
Place the cake on a flat, level surface, such as the boot of your car. A top tip is prevent the boxes from sliding around in your car use a non-skid mat or even a yoga mat.
- Size matters, when it comes to putting your cake into the box
For a snug and safe fit, try to use a cake box that’s the same size as your cake board. What if my cake box is slightly bigger than my cake board. No worries, use a non-skid mat inside the box to prevent your cake from sliding around. It is also important to take into account the height of your cake. Select a box that is at least 2” taller than your cake.
- Decorations
If your cake is going to have candles, gum paste flowers or fondant decorations, packaging those separately and place them on your cake once you’ve arrived at your destination.
Now you have your cake and decorations packed there are a just critical stages to ensure your cake arrives ready to serve.
- Plan ahead
Cake, icing and filling are all sensitive to heat and cold. In the hot summer months you may want to avoid using buttercream or cream cheese frosting which are heat sensitive. If your cake needs to be refrigerated when you arrive, make sure you call ahead and let your host know to make some room in the fridge!
- Supporting and Packing
Chilling your buttercream in the fridge or freezer before transporting. This will make the surface of your cake less likely to smudge when packing your cake.
- Travel first and build later
If your cake has more than one tier, package each tier separately, then assemble your cake once you’ve arrived at your destination.
- Plan for repairs
It wouldn’t hurt to bring a little extra icing, prepared decorating bags and a spatula to fix any smudges that happen during transportation.
- Check the car for level spots
As much as you may want to put the cake on the seat next to you, the possibility of a slanted surface could cause your cake to slide off the board and into the size of the box. Instead, place your cake on a flat, level surface, such as in the boot of the car. For added stability, use a non-skid mat (a yoga mat can be ideal) and lay this in the boot of your car, this will prevent the boxes from sliding around.
- Keep temperature inside and outside the car in mind
Cakes should be kept cool at all times to prevent melting. This is even more important when it is a hot day outside. Air conditioning sometimes doesn’t reach the boot so it may be safer to place the cake on the floor of the car to keep it cool.
And finally,
- Drive Carefully!!
You’ve put a lot of work into this cake, so make sure to avoid sudden stop and quick starts!!
The cake is baked and decorated – now it’s time to party!!!
If you have any tips and tricks for transporting cakes, pies, cookies or cupcakes? Let us know – we would love to share your photos or tips and tricks. Send them to
Click here to find out more about our very sturdy cake box offerings
In summary, we’ve discussed basic top tips on preparation, supporting and packing and finally loading up and travelling.
Happy baking.