Veronica has more than 20 years in senior management roles, leading marketing and sales strategies that include primary care consumables, pharmaceuticals, natural health care supplements, consumer and safety products within B2B and B2C.
Why Berica isn’t a good fit for everyone

No one in business has ever done well trying to be everything to everyone. And as a buyer you never want to start trading with a company that just doesn’t fit, with the intended reason that you had in started purchasing from in the first place. – Right?
The following article is to help you understand and get an insight as to who we aren’t in a position to serve.
Reasons Berica isn’t a good fit
If you need to run bespoke products in small quantities
What’s a small quantity? We’d consider anything less than 2,000 to be our goldilocks number! Why? Well, bespoke designed food and beverage packaging require high development in terms of design, sample testing and setup tooling/print plates. These processes are built into the cost of any project. So when dividing these costs across small quantities it ends up costing the customer a premium, before starting to look at the unit cost. Production costs also have an impact on pricing and materials which have different MOQ requirements due to the type of manufacturing required to process these materials.
Few companies specialise in this niche low-volume work. These companies use digital print and computerised cutting for bespoke products, this however is not part of our resource capability.
These processes are built into the cost of any project. So when dividing these costs across small quantities it ends up costing the customer a premium, before starting to look at the unit cost.
Very high volume – low cost
If you are working with very high volumes, of 100,000pcs + / month with quick turnover and huge foot-traffic, like international fast-food chains. There are many factories globally producing identical packaging to each other in large volumes and this may be the best option for you. This usually involves low margin and work on bulk pricing strategy of which we are not geared up to serve well.
Price is a key factor
We know we aren’t the cheapest option as our purpose and focus is to reduce plastic with truly sustainable packaging made from raw materials that requires longer processes to manufacture which obviously cost more than plastic to produce. If you’re running your business with low margins, plastic is always going to be the most cost-effective answer if you’re looking for the lowest priced packaging. There is nothing wrong with sourcing cheap product if this fits into your business model.
If you’re wanting packaging for your home?
If you’re wanting to package up smaller quantities for your family and friends and consider yourself to be a ‘from home’ business or a very small enterprise, then we won’t be the right fit. As out warehouse only dispatches full carton quantities, it is not geared up to process orders that are requiring less than 1 carton.
Does your food requires long shelf life?
A lot of our food packaging is made for grab and go settings, and it made with minimal plastic as possible. This however comes with it’s own challenge of having a less airtight package. So if the food you create is required to have a shelf life of longer than approx. seven days +, it usually involves the use of plastic packaging – some of which needs to be specially sealed plastic to keep food for as long as possible.
So, there it is – some of the things to consider when you’re looking to find a product partner for your food packaging. We know you want a partner that will bring skills, experience, and value to the relationship along with transparency. Things change in business all the time. You’re never standing still and what’s not quite right for today might be perfect tomorrow!
If Berica is a good fit for you.
We aren’t a good fit for some businesses and now you know why.
If you read this and think we might be a good fit for you, please call us to discuss your business and your challenges or shop now. | 0800 237 422 |